Какую задачу выполняет система D4?
(Data Driven Decision Desk) D4 собирает данные всех доступных систем в вашей компании.
Use mobile or web-portal to monitor progress on sales quotas, and drill down into a specific lead.
Support your Data Driven Decision making
You need data to make fact-based decisions. All data sources collected in one application can help you make data-driven decisions.
Bring data together in one place
P&L, CashFlow, Balance Sheet, Google Analytics, CRM, Warehouse, Sales Funnel, Human Resources - all indicators and analytics in one application.
Our engineers are ready discover new data sources, manage it and build proper data pipelines to generate right business intelligence for your business.
Personal dashboards
An application can present different dashboards depending on the subset of data or access rules for different departments or user groups.
We care about our clients' time. Give us a call, and we will help you with all the questions.
D4App is a tool that becomes the sole and transparent source of processed insights for your management team and help increase business efficiency and reduce costs.
Data Driven Decision Desk (D4app) is about methods and tools for translating raw information into a meaningful and usable reports. This is a Business Intelligence tool. Our app collects and process large amounts of unstructured and structured data from internal and external systems your company work with, including documents, transactions, different types of records, images, files, emails, video, and other business sources.

All these sources and data are used for business analysis to find strategic business opportunities. D4app is an analytical system that combines data from various information sources and provide interface for a study and evaluation of the information it collects.

Comprehensive data analysis in key and specified areas of business allows you to increase its efficiency and reduce costs. The D4app as business intelligence tool becomes the sole and transparent source of processed insights for your management team.
How D4 App works?
  • Step 1
    Your existing information systems generate records every minute and the D4 application collects them.
  • Step 2
    Your managers enter information into forms convenient for them. And the D4 App collects this data too.
  • Step 3. Collection and processing of data
    The application consolidates, stores and processes data from all sources. Each employee has access only to authorized data.

    Data and analytical reports are updated up to 10 times a day.
  • Step 4. Interaction with colleagues
    Track metrics against key business objectives. Discuss them with team, collaborate and make your decisions based on data.
For whom?
  • For Marketing
    Track and measure your compaigns, launches, and more.The cost of an attracting new customers, analysis of advertising or SMM campaigns would be calculated to the nearest cent.
    Roles: CMO, Sales force management, Marketing Team.
  • For CEO
    Manage company performance wherever you are. D4 App gives CEOs all the data they require across functions. It lets them view detailed reports and displays multiple data sets. BI dashboards help CEOs to visualize and track information. CEO can drill down through top-level information into the supporting data.
  • For Operations
    Build and scale your processes based on data to improve efficiency.
    Roles: COO, Director of operations, Production Director, Operational or Production Team.
  • For CFO
    The SFO can quickly track cash flows and other financial information. Financial planning and cash flow analysis will turn into a pleasure.
  • For Service Desk
    Manage work across your teams with real-time data so your employees and customers quickly get the help they need.
    Roles: Head of Service Desk or Call centers, Front desk managers, Customer support teams.
  • For HRD
    Develop and set up a key HR metrics and seeing them on one dashboard. Track Headcount, Turnover rate, Training efficiency, Overtime expense and so on.

    Roles: HR Director, Recruiting team.
Describe your task and problems, get a 3-step plan for implementing the D4 application

Reports You will receive

Here is a list of possible reports
  • Sales
    - Top Deals
    - Sales activity
    - Average contract value
    - Average lead response time
    - Sales cycle steps (in days/weeks)
    - Average sales cycle length (days)
    - Average Contract Value (money)
    - Follow-up contact rate
    - Lead-to-Opportunity Ratio
  • Operations
    - Delivery cycle (plan-fact)
    - Average production cycle time (by product, by service)
    - Dynamics of changes in buffers (reserves)
    - Production lines (residues, products)
    - Production capacity (month, quarter, year)
    - Monitoring of deadlines by stages
    - Pricing metrics (product, division, deal)
    - Monitoring deadlines
  • Marketing
    - Inbound flow (leads, customers, opportunities)
    - Lead cost
    - Lead Sources
    - Lead conversion per week
    - Unique visitors report (heterogeneous systems)
    - Duration of site visit
    - The ratio of the real and planned budget
    - Geo-analytics (heterogeneous systems)
    - Traffic analysis (heterogeneous systems)
    - Commenting and likes on SMM channels
    - Weekly content analysis
  • Quality control
    - Outgoing flow/throughput of claims (Closed cases)
    - Inbox flow/throughput of claims (New cases)
    - Analysis of weekly product claims
    - Claims by priority/manager/product
    - Customer Satisfaction Analysis
  • HR
    - Number of employees
    - Recruitment flow and funnel, conversions
    - Average Hiring/Onboarding Cycle Time
    - Analysis of staff turnover (quarterly, half-yearly, yearly)
    - Analysis by type, by roles, age.
    - Human capital ROI (HCROI)
D4 system has a wide range of API integration

These days, organizations have more data at their fingertips than ever before and collect an incredible number of data sets from various sources and in a various formats.

D4 Application knows about how to get data from multiple sources. We automate these data integration methods so you can focus on other areas of your business. D4 App gets data from multiple sources into a single location. It cleans up the data, such as removing duplicate, obsolete and/or extraneous data. It also converts the data in one format to another (e.g. date/time formats or imperial/metric units).

D4 App works with Databases, Streaming services, variuous APIs and Data Warehouses.

Describe your task and problems, get a 3-step plan for implementing the D4 application